Trusted advisors in executive search & recruitment, career coaching and public affairs. 

Building strong teams & delivering organisational goals.

Headquartered in Sydney, Greenway Executive Partners are your trusted advisors in executive search and recruitment, career coaching and public affairs. 

We specialise in career and company infrastructure. We build teams. We coach emerging leaders. And we support organisations to engage effectively. 

Together, our career architects, team builders and public affairs experts help you enhance your capability to work with stakeholders in an increasingly complex business and regulatory environment.

Talk to us about a new way to build strong and successful teams to support your leaders and deliver your organisational goals.

Get in touch

Suite 213
350 George Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000
+61 2 9000 1108

Our Services

  • Executive Search & Recruitment

    We focus on C-suite and professional appointments in a range of industries and organisations. Our deeply developed bi-partisan and corporate networks across the country give us a strong understanding of key roles, especially where there is a regulatory and advocacy overlay.

  • Career Coaching

    We offer Executive Central accredited career coaching that can help emerging leaders to understand and build on strengths and empower teams towards confident effort and achievement.

  • Public Affairs

    We help businesses with strategy and expert counsel to strengthen brands and reputations. And we help to shape commercial opportunities and mitigate risk through strategies based in a deep understanding of government and complex regulatory environments.

Australia’s first Government architect Francis Greenway designed and built some of Sydney’s most recognisable architecture and public infrastructure of the early 19th century. And today, inspired by his name and his legacy, we’re helping to build successful teams and organisations fit for the future.